Please remember to report your student's absences.
By phone: 731-4200 or 731-4202
(voice mail is available after hours)
Contact Jessica Westerman by email
contact Kelley Mcginn by email
When no contact is made with parents/guardians, absences are recorded as unexcused. Unreported absences are unexcused absences. These absences result in loss of funding for Dunham. Excessive unexcused absences could result in the child's retention or in a home visit by a truancy officer.
In regard to checking a student in or out, the following applies:
Absences are determined by the number of instructional minutes a student has missed. The time of day in which a student is checked in or out determines whether the absence is recorded as a full day absence, half day absence or a tardy.
(Tardy not only means arriving late, it also means leaving early.)
If you have any questions regarding your student's absences or tardies, please do not hesitate to call the office.